de demain

17 & 18 juin 2026

+33 (0)5 46 44 84 75 Accès participant

Les ateliers JAS

Wed 15 June12:30 PM > 2:00 PM


Boosting natural immunity with a reinvented plant-based diet: advantages of innovative ingredients and processes

  • Immune health
  • Plant-based
  • Microbiota
  • Fermentation
  • Nutrients
  • Ingredients
  • Processes

Expert(s) mobilisé(s) / Expert(es) mobilisé(es) : Charlotte Philippart, Nutrition and Regulation Consultant, Foodinnov Nutrition
Marine Fontes, Nutrition, Regulatory affairs and Innovation engineer, Foodinnov Nutrition
Matthieu Besnard, Director, Esenco

Animateur(s) / Animatrice(s) : Céline Le Stunff, Member Relations & Innovation Consultant, Valorial

Target : R&D, nutrition and marketing managers in the field of healthy food and ingredients. Food processing businesses seeking to develop plant resources and innovative processes.


The recent health crisis has highlighted the importance of boosting your natural immunity to resist viruses. For the immune system to function optimally, the entire lifestyle must be balanced. Many studies evaluate the effects of diet, exercise, age, stress, etc. on different aspects of the immune response.

The microbiota itself is thought to account for 70% of the effectiveness of the immune system. The intestinal flora is therefore the first barrier to be preserved in order to avoid illness. For these bacteria to help fight pathogens, they must be provided with a favourable environment, in particular through the consumption of prebiotics and probiotics.

At the same time, the increasing trend towards plant food – for ethical, sustainability, cost, nutritional reasons… – leads us to rethink our nutritional intake through a reinvented plant-based diet.


The objective is to identify sub-optimal nutritional intakes in the French population for certain key nutrients for immune health. Particular attention will be paid to specific population subgroups: vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians. Based on these findings, the workshop will highlight new solutions – ingredients, processes, etc. – that can provide answers to optimised nutrition for better immune health.

Issues raised during the workshop

  • Need to maintain optimal immune health despite an “imperfect” lifestyle and diet.
  • Need to find certain nutrients in a more plant-based diet.
  • Need to innovate to identify natural solutions that provide nutrients of interest for immune health.

Solutions given/discussed

Plant fermentation, UV treatment, etc. among others